Renewable energy technology
Solar energy, Wind energy, Hydro energy, Wave energy, Geothermal energy, Waste-to-Energy technology, Hydrogen and Fuel cell technologies, Carbon capture technology, Low carbon technology, Thermo-electrics system, Energy harvesting technology, etc.
Biomass conversion technology
Carbonization, Pyrolysis, Gasification, Hydrothermal carbonization, Hydrothermal liquefaction, Hydrothermal gasification, Anaerobic digestion, Aerobic digestion, Catalytic process, Activated carbon, Reaction and Catalytic Engineering, Biotechnology, Waste Management, etc.
Material technology for energy and environment
Carbon materials, Activated carbon production, Adsorption process, Nanotechnology, Advance Material, Pollution reduction, Environmental protection, Water and Environmental Engineering, Energy storage, Energy conversion, CO2 capture and utilization, etc.
Energy efficiency technology
Buildings innovation and technology, Energy efficiency technology, Energy conservation technology, Sustainable and smart cities, HVAC systems, etc.
Optimization and AI in energy and environmental technology
Renewable energy optimization, Power plant optimization, Energy storage optimization, Smart grids, Demand forecasting, Others optimization and AI of energy systems, etc.
Energy management, policy and economics
Techno-economic energy, Energy management, Environmental assessment, Life-cycle assessment, Energy auditing, Energy trading, Policy on renewable energy and energy efficiency, Energy and environment policies and frameworks, Carbon tax and financing, etc.
Green Manufacturing
Carbon emission evaluation in manufacturing, Application of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, Application of renewable energy in manufacturing, Energy management in manufacturing, Optimization of manufacturing